Take the Flockmen Challenge… This week - challenge #11

We’re running a #flockmenchallenge every week, daring our followers to build or create something awesome and unbelievable with their Flockmen. Enter to challenge by uploading your pic to social media (or on our site, if you’re under 13) and we’ll choose a winner every week and send them a set of 16 Flockmen!


Challenge #11 - Heads on shoulders, knees on toes

heads on shoulders knees on toes with flockmen

Here are the full challenge instructions.

What you need:

  • 11 Flockmen
  • a flat surface or tabletop
  • a smartphone to take a photo 

How to enter:

  1. Complete #11 Flockmen Challenge ‘Heads on Shoulders, Knees on Toes’
  2. Upload your photo to Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #flockmenchallenge and tag @flockmen

  1. Submit it to our website here.

We’ll announce the winner every Sunday so keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook pages.


Good luck!
Kris and the Flockmen team



UPDATE 12 October 2017 - half way through the week!

Thank you for your submissions 


Flockmen Challenge #11 by Brock, 3yrs old


Flockmen Challenge #11 by Sara, 5yrs old


Flockmen Challenge #11 by Dylan, 7yrs old


Flockmen Challenge #11 by Kobe, 7yrs old


Flockmen Challenge #11 by Allison


Flockmen Challenge #11 by Emma


Flockmen Challenge #11 by Playing With Lightning


Flockmen Challenge #11 by @weemesmieke


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