Have you ever tried to bribe your children? Like have you promised to give them something if they do this or that?
I have. 😔
I have to confess that sometimes I have bribed my children with ice-cream, I’ve promised to play a game if they tidy up their room and the list goes on and on. I wish I was smarter. Wish I had more strength to preserve in moments when it was too much. Wish there was someone to learn from. Sometimes parents choose the easiest exit. I bet you know that too!
During my childhood one of my favourite things to do were reading stories and listening to them on the radio. What I remember the most are those long and warm-hearted evenings we spent in our summer holiday home, surrounded by the scent of freshly mowed grass creeping into our noses... I adored the feeling of climbing into my snuggly bunk bed and wrapping within enormous blankets and surrounding myself with more than plenty of pillows. But I did that for one sole reason – to listen to my dad’s calming voice as he read adventurous stories to me.