#10 Upside Down Pyramid
Explore the numerous ways Flockmen can tessellate with this fun little mathematical challenge. Positioning the Flockmen so their ‘bodies’ interlock creates a stronger structure than the traditional pyramid, which means you can make it as high as you like! The more Flockmen to build with, the better!
What you will need:
- 23+ Flockmen
- A clean, flat surface such as a table top
- A steady hand ;)
Challenge Instructions:
- Look carefully at the image above, and count how many Flockmen you’ll need for the base row. (9)
- Begin building the base by standing one Flockmen upright, and putting his neighbor right next to him, but upside down. The next should go right side up again, the next upside down and so on until you’ve used up 9 Flockmen for the base.
- Once your base is completed, you can stand the next row on top, one at a time, interlocking right side up with upside down Flockmen.
- You should start to see a kind of pyramid forming as you build each row.
Extra maths learning
Once you have completed the challenge (yay!) count how many Flockmen in each row and write it down on a piece of paper. You can even draw a diagram if you like!
Row 1 _____
Row 2 _____
Row 3 _____
Row 4 _____
- Do you see a pattern? What is the rule? (A: two less Flockmen used in each row every time. Counting down by odd numbers - 9, 7, 5, 3)
Super maths challenge
How many upside down men can you get in the pyramid? Give yourself 5 points for an upside down man and -2 points for an upright man. Then total your score!
Share your creations with us on Facebook and Instagram: #flockmenchallenge